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Last Ping12 minutes 34 seconds ago
Version Latest
Type Skyblock Survival Economy
Location United States
Last Update10 Jan 2025
Join Date10 Jan 2025


Welcome to CarbonSKY, the ultimate Skyblock experience like no other! With our custom minions, players can automate and streamline their resource gathering, making it easier than ever to build and expand their islands. Our server also features monthly top island events, the famous McMMO plugin, and extensive player leaderboards, where you can test your skills and rise to the top. At CarbonSKY, you can experience Minecraft in a whole new way and become the next top player on the server.

In addition to our monthly top islands events and extensive player leaderboards, CarbonSKY also offers players the opportunity to create their own custom islands. Players can use a variety of building materials and tools to create stunningly unique and imaginative islands that can be accessed and shared with friends. Join us today and let your creativity and imagination run wild on CarbonSKY!

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