Quantum Vibe SMP

Server IP
Website play.quantumvibe.online
Discord Discord
Version Latest
Type Vanilla Survival SMP Java Bedrock Whitelist
Location United States
Last Update29 Sep 2022
Join Date19 Sep 2022


Quantum Vibe is a newer Vanilla SMP server we have a pretty active player base with 7-8 players usually everyday, and an active staff team, we have a shopping district with a few stores already using diamonds as a currency, and no land claim. We are a mture community all of our players being 16 or older.We support both Java and Bedrock players. Our discord is professionally constructed and moderated and incorporates a discord relay so you may chat with players in game even when you cant be in game. We encourage players to work together but this is not a prerequisite, if you wish to do your own thing that is perfectly fine.
Version: 1.19.2
- No PVP unless agreed by both parties.
- No stealing
- No greifing
- Cheating is not allowed. Use of mods and resources pack that provides players with unfair advantages such as xRay, item duplication, glitching etc. are not allowed.
- Make sure that something is public before using it.
- Lagmachines are not allowed 
- Must be 16 or older
World resets will be done with any major updates to Minecraft but only after a server wide vote
Dm me if your interested or add me on discord lyraBelacqua#2635
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/xKFpxxCHKf Join To Request Whitelist
Dynmap: Play.Quantumvibe.online:8123