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Last Ping20 minutes 45 seconds ago
Version 1.8.x 1.19.2 1.19 1.20.x 1.20.1
Type Survival Parkour KitPvP Prison Factions Economy Towny SMP Skyblock MMO
Location United States
Last Update16 May 2024
Join Date22 Jul 2014



IP: SERVER.MANACUBE.COM [1.20 Java/Bedrock]
Over the past 10 years, 5 million players have enjoyed our unique game modes: Parkour, Skyblock, SMP, KitPvP, Factions, Prison, Earth Towny, Anarchy and Creative

Parkour: Over 2500 unique maps.
Olympus: A Greek mythology RPG. Grow as demi-gods through quests, mining, battles, and exploration.
Skyblock: Build on a secluded island and explore for upgrades.
Survival: An enhanced survival experience.
Factions: A 1.20 base building/defending game with custom mobs.
Earth: Create and rule towns or nations on a map based on satellite images of Earth.
KitPvP: Classic 1.8 PVP with top-notch anticheat.
Creative: Build freely with unlimited resources.

Our in-game currency, Cubits, can be used across all servers. Store special items in the Season Vault that never reset. Experience the game with our custom resource pack, featuring unique items, monsters, cosmetics, and more.

We host community events and offer daily chances to win Cubits and exclusive prizes. At ManaCube, we're not just a server – we're a community that promises a rich and immersive Minecraft experience. Come join us!

Online Players - Last 24 hours

Applying for Staff

[b]Applicant Requirements:[/b]
The following items are the guidelines used to determine whether you will become a helper or not.
The required amount of time in-game is 50 hours total, this time frame can be widely varied (we can tell when a user was AFK).
Your final application must be 500 words in length (the application format itself is 200 words)
You must have never been permanently banned/muted (for a legitimate reason) from any part of the minevast network.
You must have skype.
You must be able to verify your age (by voice or other methods).
You must be 15 or older to apply.
You must have a Google Account (G-Mail)
You must have an excellent understanding of the rules and punishment guidelines found here
You must have at least 10 forum posts ( Not just spam posts either )
Note: Requirements may vary for each applicant. This means that some of these requirements may not apply whatsoever to you if you can prove that you are sufficiently capable in other areas.
Tip: try not to just meet these requirements but instead exceed them to stand out.

[b]Application Tips:[/b]
The following steps will guide you into making a good helper application:
If you were rejected read the rejection message, it will help you.
Detail is what we look for but make sure you put the essential, after all, quality before quantity.
Be patient, we want to take the best of the best onto the staff team so we will take time in reviewing your application.
Be honest, honesty is key for us to trust you since when in staff, you have access to more confidential information.
Be confident, in order for you to be able to help others you need to believe and trust in your capabilities, don't beat yourself up and trust yourself.
Be mature, we need to take responsible members on our staff and thus need those who act like leaders and act like true matured people. This doesn't mean you can't joke around.

If you have any questions regarding staff applications, feel free to send me a message @ Here

Good luck,

- Helper Management Team

We are hiring moderators!