MixelMC - 1.19 SMP

Server IP
Website mixelmc.godaddysites.com
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18.x 1.19 1.17.x
Type Multiplayer Survival MCjobs Buycraft Adult Discord Quests Unique Mature Staff Need Staff
Location United States
Last Update24 Oct 2022
Join Date03 Sep 2022


MixelMC - 1.19 Survival & MiniGames

Survival | Custom Enchantments | Discord | Events | Adult Staff | Active Owner and Players | 24/7

MixelMC is a long lasting server that has many features added to make it more unique from the rest of the servers. With a friendly community, and helpful staff team, MixelMC has become a favorite place for its community to hang around and relax without the drama, lag, and pesky players. We strive to achieve a Non Pay To Win Server and an enjoyable, stress and drama free environment.

Come check out MixelMC and see if you want to add to the community!

Discord: https://discord.gg/EMbWJzkmtq

Website: https://mixelmc.godaddysites.com/

Store: https://https://mixelmc.buycraft.net/