DelusionPS RSPS

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Version 317
Type Achievements Active staff Anti Scam Gambling 40 Bosses AutoVote Custom Minigames custom pets Deadman Ironman Friendly Community
Location United States
Last Update23 Oct 2024
Join Date09 Feb 2024


DelusionPS RSPS

DelusionPS RSPS An up and coming runescape private server.  Great community and super active owner. Come join us today and enjoy the great benefits of being a member of our community, including but not limited to; Fully working PC & other minigames! World bosses featuring our very own Infinity Beast! Custom Bosses including Skotizo and Heartwrenchers! Custom Raids Custom items Custom Pets that also increase drop rate! Upgradable gear and other items INCLUDING donor scrolls! Weekly updates Super active and friendly owner and staff All working skills (dungeoneering in process!) Custom ranks with bonuses for different ranks (can get up to uber without even donating!) Come join us today and enjoy the minimum weekly updates! 10+ online daily and we've barely started!  We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Your newest adventure awaits!  Feel free to join us on our Discord server!  

✨ Different Game Modes, DelusionPS offers a completely unique system that includes various of game modes that start from Fast Xp Rate (standard) and 5x Xp Rate (rogue) . These modes include Player, Ironman, Ultimate Ironman, Hardcore ironman, and Osrs Account, Rogue ,Hardcore Rogue ,Goup ironman giving you a wide variety of gameplay options to explore.  


Division Battle pass with 51 tiers free + normal battle-pass with huge rewards

🏆Proper Economy & Skilling, An economy that has its community first in mind! This is to encourage profitable skilling and player to player trading/community interaction. Everything you do in DelusionPS will be with the idea to keep you and other players connected, trading and with a healthy economy as its priority, you'll never get bored! Skilling is done to ensure fast skilling, a wide range of players at every level, longevity of playing while not overly boring or forcing much grinding. You will be in a competitive yet swiftly moving skill level environment

🌐 Gambling Upgrade System , This feature allows players to gamble their in-game items to upgrade them to higher levels. It adds an element of risk and excitement to the game, and it can be a great way to earn valuable items.

💥 Custom home containing all shops, skills, and tips to help your progress - A custom home is a great way to create a central hub for players to access all the essential features of the game. It makes navigation easier and provides new players with useful information to help them get started. Unique teleport system containing teleportation to monsters, bosses, wilderness, skilling, minigames, Custom AFK area designed for when you're away from your computer (Comes with AFK point system to use points on AFK shop) - This feature is perfect for players who need to step away from their computer for a while but want to continue earning rewards. It's a great addition that allows players to progress even when they're not actively playing.


Change Logs
21 Apr 2024

22March Updates

- We have made several fixes and updates to the game:

- Fixed issue with edge dung ladder

- Resolved problem of being attacked for no reason in wildy, tournament, and other areas, including invisible hits

- Added vote panel with prizes for top 3 weekly voters

- Fixed vote counts for achievements and vote points, as well as vote boss

- Royal seed pod will now always be kept on death

- Resolved tournaments not refreshing equipment bonuses when joining

- Fixed multiple Zulrah spawns if boat is spam clicked

- Zulrah instance will now dispose properly when teleporting from the shrine

- Corrected Dragon Claws special attack

- Increased base experience for some boss slayer NPCs to match OSRS

- Updated 50+ items and default prices to balance eco-value

- Improved Skotizo's drop table to make items more common.

23 March 2024 || Bug Fixes || New Features Updates

Some of the key changes included:

- Help request feature added with the ::help command

- seasonal mass events added

- Issues with healers in the Inferno despawning fixed

- Delayed XP drops for combat fixed

- Mage Arena cape drops issue resolved

- Interface dragging and scrolling issues in resizeable windows fixed

- Crystal command ::crystal now works properly

- Crystal monsters can only be attacked if they are part of your task Other changes included:

- Raid keys and Bulging Coin Bag are now stackable

- Changes to VLS special attack for accuracy

- Correction to WOGW's double experience text

- Game value added to Dusk Mystic's armour

- Twisted bows stats updated

- Stats changed for Avatar of destruction, the inadequacy, mutant tarn, and maledicus

- Real-life time event bots added to Discord for easier tracking.

DelusionPS 29March Updates
Introducing our new lottery system with exciting rewards and a highscore interface! The winner takes home all the cash pot and additional rewards based on their chances, including a mystery box chance of 35, Super mystery box chance of 75, and ultra mystery box chance of 125. However, the lottery NPC does take a 15% cut.

Each ticket costs 4.2m and players can purchase between 1-5 tickets at a time.

- In addition, we have updated the quest tab, - chest key looting rewards, and battle pass rewards every 2 months, now changed to 20 donator tokens.

-We have also improved the auto donate feature with the command ::claimdonation and enhanced the highscore and cmd ::vpanel for claiming weekly rewards for the top 3 voters.

- We've updated the donator and vote shops, added a new second vote shop exclusively for vote points.

- fixed the tournament for smoother gameplay.

- The text colors have been refreshed for a more visually appealing interface.

- Players now have the chance to win additional rewards after voting, including upgrade tokens (35% chance), perk tickets (40% chance), vote chest keys (10% chance), and battle pass entries (10% chance).
- Enjoy double vote rewards during the first week of every month and automatic activation of server boost once you reach 50 votes.

- We've added an amulet mould and created a new shop for herblore secondaries in ironman gamemode to make pots.

- For each donator bonus, there is now 1 listing selling items in exchange, up to 11 listings! Ruby donators enjoy double chances/20% droprates for raids and chest rewards, diamond donators get x4 chances and drops, onyx donators x6, zenyte donators x8, and divine donators have increased chances with x3 chances for all.

- We have also adjusted donator ranks amounts: Sapphire donator is $10, emerald donator is $40, ruby donator is $110, diamond donator is $250, onyx donator is $350, zenyte donator is $450, and divine donator is $600.

DelusionPS 30March Updates
- Announcement: Players can now easily access the evilo YouTube channel by using the command ::evilo redirects.
- Exciting news for adventurers: A new porazdir zone cmd :orazdir has been introduced, with rare and very rare drops added!
- All raids have been revamped, with changes to stats for a more challenging experience.
- Introducing The Nightmare and Justiciar Zachariah, along with additional seasonal monsters in the zenythe zone with their unique drops.


1 April Monday 2024 DelusionPS Updates

Added a new feature where players can use the command "addlottery" to add tickets to the lottery without having to visit the lottery manager in-game. When someone purchases a ticket, an announcement message will be sent out to notify everyone of the purchase. The lottery now takes place every hour, giving players a chance to win the pot.

- Adjusted the stats of the Ghrazi Rapier and Osmumten's weapons for better balance.
- Fixed the respawn of Justiciar Zachariah.

- fixed the Infernal Cape to be used with the Max Cape, but now requires the Max Hood.

- Implemented "Did you know" messages every 15 minutes, as well as added more questions and random rewards to the trivia bot.
- Fixed inquisitors mace attack speed.
- Fixed shop definitions needing +1 to item ids
- Fixed tome of fire dupe.
- Fixed exploit where you could attack npcs while they can’t attack you.

- Fixed sire safespot.
- Disabled magic cape switch spellbook.
- fixed ::foepets command that brings you to the foe pet forum post.
- Additionally, updated the prices of items in the store for better game economy


5 April Friday 2024 Updates || New Launcher with auto client updater || ingame bug fixes.
DelusionPS Updates

We have introduced a new launcher featuring an automatic client updater for a smoother and more seamless user experience.
- The Infernal Cape is now able to be combined with the Max Cape, allowing players to use both simultaneously.
- A new option has been added to open all chests with keys.
- The drop rate for Hunllef has been adjusted.
- fixed Loot from the Catacombs will no longer appear unclaimable in the air.
- All broadcasts and events have been fixed.
- The Vote Points shop can now be accessed by ironman players.
- The Vote Boss and Abomination will no longer reset with each update.
- Various pets, including the Kalphite Pet and Gorilla Pet, have been fixed.
- Wildy and all donator zones have been corrected.
- Hit chance formulas have been rewritten to match OSRS specifications.
- Ranged/Melee/Magic max hit formulas have been revised for accuracy.
- Combat core has been consolidated for both PVM and PVP.
- Melee types have been added for accuracy and defense.
- Some Greater Demons now properly count towards slayer tasks.
- Issues with rev weapons have been resolved, with further bugs encouraged to be reported.
- Jar of Dreams can now be opened for PVM points.
- Npc ids for Chaos Druids and Thugs have been fixed.
- Nightmares now count towards achievements and logs.
- Core error handling has been improved for increased stability.


5 April Friday 2024 Updates #2
DelusionPS Updates

- Introduced the Infernal Max Cape Tier 5 with enhanced stats for players to acquire.
- Implemented Masori drops for Nex encounters and allowed players to create instances for more personalized gameplay.
- Resolved the issue with the Monkey Pet and its functionality.
- Included Phosari Nightmare into the collection log for players to track their progress.
- Revamped the calculations for Vigorra’s Chainmace and Craw’s Bow for more accurate gameplay.
- Vet’tion Skeleton Hellhounds now classify as undead NPCs for relevant spells and equipment like the Salve Amulet.
- Made adjustments to raids to incentivize larger groups with more rewards.
- Fixed various crashes to improve overall game stability.
- Cerberus tasks now properly count down when received from the Slayer master outside its lair for better task management.
- Autocast settings will now save upon logout for player convenience.
- Addressed an issue with zoom tile culling to enhance visual experience.
- Implemented an error message for cache update failures for better troubleshooting.
- Using the Basilisk Jaw with the Neitiznot Helm will now grant players the Neitiznot Faceguard.
- Added Dagon'hai Robes to the common loot table of Wildy chests for increased variety in rewards.
- Changed respawn time for kraken and gwd bosses.


Exciting Updates on 13 April Friday 2024 at DelusionPS!

In-game, players can look forward to the following updates:
- Introducing a new world events 2 with a 15% drop boost for all bosses and increased chances of receiving random items!
- Adjusted respawn times for all bosses and monsters.
- Added two new events: "glod" and "nightmare" occurring every 30 minutes and 1 hour respectively, accessible with the commands ::glod and ::nightmare.
- Improved gameplay with new HP and prayer bars, as well as a revamped starter guide for new players.
- Regular dagannoths now drop dagannoth bones.
- Several bug fixes including addressing exploits and dupes.
- Enhanced player experience with new features like heal chests for donators only and a message explaining drop table chances.
- Nex fixed sometimes it was no more bugged.
- Expansion of items that can be exchanged in the fire.
- fixed all achievements now are claimable.
- Improved performance with a faster downloading cache and updated rare keys chances.

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new Launcher equipped with an auto client updater, making it easier for players to stay up to date with the latest features and fixes make sure you have relaunched client to able login.

Here are some of the new plugins that have been added:
1) Xp globes
2) Xp Tracker
3) Player Indicators
4) Skill calculator
5) Ammo
6) Agility
7) Green Screen

Join us at DelusionPS and experience these exciting updates for yourself!


Small Updates on 18 April Thursday ay 2024 at DelusionPS! ��
Introducing the new Angel Cape with a 10% drop rate, available for purchase at the Donator Shop and Vote Points Shop.
added tumeken's shadow.
Virtus Set has been fixed.
Daily rewards have been updated.
All shops and item values have been adjusted.
Numerous errors in the client/cache have been rectified.
Name titles in the Vote Points and Vote Crystal Shop have been revamped for clarity.
Rates for rare raids have been adjusted.
Rewrote hit chance formula to osrs specification.
Added Craws bow effect in the wilderness.
The Nightmare and Glod encounters are now functioning properly.
Keep exploring and enjoy these new enhancements!

27 Apr 2024

 The highscore has been updated to display players' current levels and skills. Work is still being done on implementing ranks for player cards and icons. will be fixed very soon
- Lumbridge Cave has been improved with the addition of cave bugs and cave slime. They have also been included in the task slayer teleport cave.
- The Corrupted Beast and Nex now contribute to boss points and their drops are reflected in the collection log and droptable for nex.
- The chance of receiving rare key/drop bonuses in raids has been increased for specific capes: 
Xeric's guard (1%), 
Xeric's warrior (2.05%), 
Xeric's sentinel (4.10%), 
Xeric's general (8.20%), and 
Xeric's champion (10.30%).
- New Rogue Benefits have been introduced, including a 5x XP rate, 
10% drop rate boost, 
increased chances of winning upgrade tokens by 2%, 30% cannon ammo, a 0.5% damage boost for voteboss and abomination, and a 2% increase in raids chances.
- Raids will now scale much better to benefit bigger teams.
- Added willow tree to Falador park so the achievement can be finished.
- Overload/Divine potion effect will now reset when you log off.
- The leaderboard has been reset to zero to remove inactive accounts.
- Issues with the dragon battleaxe special attack have been resolved.
- Three new perks have been added to the lottery using Kelda, Celastrus, Iasor, and Kronos seeds for various rewards.

Other changes
- Fixed zoom tile culling.