
IP-адрес сервера
Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Версия 1.18.2 1.19
Тип Economy Grief Prevention ChestShop Gui Shop Trade Coins Crates Jobs McMMO
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление11 Jul 2022
Дата регистрации28 May 2022


Welcome! Have you ever been on a Minecraft server, and you wanted to be more a part of its development? Does it seem the server you are on is ran by a dictator without any regard for what really makes a server great, the players? Then PeopleCraft is the server for you! Suggest new plugins, datapacks, ideas and changes to the server to help keep the players active and engaged. The community of members will vote and decide on what to implement and keep their server current and fresh.

We are a semi-vanilla survival server, and we offer a strong coin-based economy, teleports, warps, server shop, crates, McMMO, Jobs, AuctionHouse, Trades+, UltimateTimber and more! We want to develop over time with the help of the players to make this server community oriented.

You will spawn at a random location in the map to begin. The server is mainly PvE (player vs. the environment), but you can enable PvP (player vs. player) if you're into that. However, PvP is not enabled by default. Griefing isn't allowed, and you can claim your land to protect from griefs with a golden shovel or with /claim.

Plain and simple, if you make the game miserable for others you'll be banned. This server is family friendly and won't tolerate trolls and people who live for others misery. See /rules for more information.

Future Plans
We want you to help us develop and become a place to spend time and enjoy the game. The future is bright and with your help it can be brighter!