
Server IP
Website minecassia.net
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16 1.20.10
Type Economy Survival Team Survival Arena Pvp Custom Enchants Drop Party Land Claim PvE PvP Custom Map
Location United States
Last Update21 Feb 2024
Join Date08 Feb 2024


MINECASSIA is one of the BEST SMP networks out there open for Java, Bedrock & Cracked players. Released now. We mainly feature a Survival SMP where you can chill with your friends.

We have many PVP maps to choose from, where you can battle your friends with the loot you get from the Survival SMP!

Survival SMP:
Survival is a semi-vanilla game mode with a few plugins with a try to provide a vanilla experience to the players. The whole survival server tutorial can be found by using the command /help.

Our Uniqueness:
We're specially known for being one of the most unique networks, having custom features & things you cannot find in any other server for example our very special Quests in Survival, Custom self made GUIs only for MineCassia, RTP, Shop messages and much more which you won't find anywhere else!