Moon Landing

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.20.x 1.20.1
Type Survival Economy Parkour Quests Claim
Location United States
Last Update10 Jan 2024
Join Date05 Dec 2023


🌌 Welcome to Moon Landing 🌌

Embark on a captivating journey in Moon Landing, where survival meets space-themed wonder. Explore a universe brimming with unique features:

🌕 Moon-Themed World: Immerse yourself in a fully custom environment, inspired by the mysteries of the moon.

🌟 Over 100 Custom Quests: Embark on unique, thrilling quests, each offering a novel challenge and experience.

👨‍🚀 10+ Galactic Jobs: Choose from a variety of roles like farming, mining, and more. Each role is a new journey.

🚀 Skill Ascension: Develop your skills as you explore, unlocking new levels and cosmic rewards.

🌠 Expanding Universe Lore: Dive into a dynamic server story, evolving with each Moon Lander's journey.

🏠 Easy Space Colonization: Claim and terraform your own land, building your space haven.

Community and Intergalactic Relations

  • 🌌 Friendly Cosmos: Join a community of space explorers, forming new alliances and friendships.
  • 📡 Discord Command Center: Stay in touch with fellow astronauts, share space-faring tips, and participate in galactic events.
  • 🛸 Harmonious Orbit: Experience a tranquil exploration in our no-PVP, no-grief, no-raid universe.
  • 💹 Thriving Space Economy: Engage in interstellar trade with player and server-run space stations.
  • 🚫💰 Zero Micro-Meteorites (Anti-P2W): Journey through Moon Landing without monetary barriers - no pay-to-win asteroids here!

🚀 Embark on Your Galactic Adventure! Join Moon Landing and craft your story among the stars. Explore, build, and innovate in a universe where your imagination is the only limit. Board your spacecraft and set course for adventure!