Lost Paradise

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.2
Type Adventure Balanced Economy Discord Crazy Enchants Cracked Essentials
Last Update13 Apr 2023
Join Date20 Mar 2023


Hey, looking for a simple survival server with some extras? Join today on Lost Paradise's server! What We offer? Land Claiming, skills, economy and events. Server IP Address: LostParadise.pro Server Discord Address: https://discord.gg/lostparadisemc What are you waiting for? Join today, we are welcoming you with open arms! Special Event Starting from 20th March, ending by May 20th you will have to build a kingdom, and will be rated by high staff. 1.st Place will receive 75$ Real cash - Special Rank ingame and discord - A gifted game from steam, from your choice up to 30$ of price 2.nd Place will receive 50$ Real Cash - Special Rank ingame and discord - A gifted game from steam, from your choice up to 15$ of price 3.rd Place will receive 25$ Real Cash - Special Rank ingame and discord This event will be watched by staff, printer is not allowed, you have to express your imagination, and build something amazing.