TownyAge 2.0

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.3
Type Towny SMP mcmmo Jobs
Location United States
Last Update28 Feb 2023
Join Date28 Feb 2023


TownyAge 2.0 - Newly Relaunched! Play Towny or SMP in an enhanced vanilla world or a slimefun world. Coming soon: Skyblock, Prison, Creative.

We currently have 4 servers, Towny Enhanced, Towny Slimefun, SMP Enhanced, SMP Slimefun. In production servers: Creative, Skyblock, Prison.

What is Enhanced? Enhanced servers are close to vanilla with some tweaks. Custom enchants included.

All servers contain our all time favorites like mcMMO, jobs, marriage, slimefun, towny, griefprevention, artmap, auction house, player economy (no admin shop), moving vehicles, chest shops, etc.