
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.x
Type Survival Multiplayer Survival Bedrock Economy Events Creative Crates Grief Prevention Vote Rewards Discord
Location United Kingdom
Last Update14 Aug 2023
Join Date27 Jan 2023


CorbaWorld - An SMP like no other!


Are you tired of servers that reset without notice and don't provide a means to revisit what you've worked so hard on? Tired of players that grief the builds you've poured your blood, sweat and tears into? Tired of pay-to-win servers ruining the experience for all? CorbaWorld is a newly formed anti-grief SMP strictly non pay-to-win server that prioritizes transparency, the bond with our community and consistency above all. We offer a plethora of features that we're still actively expanding based on what the community would like to see first. However, don't take my word for it and come and check us out for yourself and join in on the fun we have in store for you!


Server Version: 1.19.3 (Latest available release version)
Server IP: (for bedrock use port "19132")
Donation Platform:


Our Community - Get welcomed to our brimming community and meet new friends! You can get started on your own and gradually get more involved or you can join other players and help build massive cities. We put our words where our mouth is when we say our community comes first. Join our Discord community to notify us about any issues you may encounter and leave suggestions for anything you would like to see differently or even added to the current experience we have to offer.


Events - Last but not least, we want to facilitate the community in every way we can. We believe that multiplayer is for playing together with others and with your friends. This is why we have events regularly ranging from mob parties to spleef and more!


Regular Updates - Being a part of the community enables you to vote on what update YOU would like to see next and help us grow and develop in a direction that you would like to see as well! We regularly have polls where we ask the community what updates they would like to see first. The update that gets the most votes will be the update that gets released first. Don't fear, if the update you would like to see doesn't make the cut in the current poll, it will be revisited in the next one!

A Dedicated Staff Team - In order to ensure that all of this works as it should we have a dedicated staff team. They will help you with any questions you may have, report and resolve issues you encounter. In the rare event you would get griefed or a player causes trouble, a moderation team member will take care of things as fast as possible, to ensure you have the most enjoyable experience possible.


Now that we've gone through all of this, there's just one thing left to do! Join us at and join the our Discord and experience the fun for yourself. We can't wait to see you there!!!