Dwarvencraft Network

Server IP
Website web.dwarvencraft.net
Discord Discord
Status Online
Last Ping24 minutes 57 seconds ago
Version 1.8 Latest
Type Duels Teampvp Arcade Bed Wars Housing Skywars Skyblock Survival Survival Games Uhc
Location Germany
Last Update08 Jun 2023
Join Date14 Oct 2022


Welcome to the Dwarvencraft Network!

The project Dwarvencraft Network started in 2016 and was paused in 2018, until we decided to work on it in 2021 again. Now we are finally opening for Beta, where we offer you the following games:
PvP Related:

  • Bedwars
  • Skywars
  • The Arena (includes Duels, Team Matches etc.)
  • Survival Games
  • UHC

Survial & Creative Related:

  • Survival (with custom world generation; 19 brand new Biomes and new structures, trading & much more!)
  • Homelands (Creative building on your very own island; visit other islands, gain votes and get visitors! Can be played on your own or get your with friends to help you too!)
  • Skyblock (Multiples Islands can be unlocked; play on your own in co-op!)

Casual Games:

  • Arcade (includes the following minigames: Block Party, Bomb Lobbers, Mini Walls, Party Games, Prop Hunt, Quake, Parkour and TNT Run)


Additional Features:

  • Clans (includes clan tags)
  • Friends
  • Parties
  • Cosmetics
  • Ranks

Every map on our server was built by us, do not expect any maps you played multiple times already -
everything is new and unique! We support Version 1.8 - latest, come join us!

Online Players - Last 24 hours