Nerdy Spectre

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19 1.19.1 1.19.2
Type Balanced Economy Custom Mobs Economy Factions civs Towny PVP PVE PVPRAIDING Survival
Location United States
Last Update07 Oct 2022
Join Date07 Oct 2022


Nerdy Spectre

The Nerdy Spectre Minecraft server is a Civilizations gamemode server. It is similar to factions in that players create a civilization, then raid other civilizations. However, we are different from factions because a civilization can choose to be peaceful which will prevent it from raiding or being raided.
Each civilization chooses a government type, which has long term effects on the game.
All civilizations have the ability to build factories and transportation systems.

If you like to explore, we add new RPG like dungeons every few months that let you fight custom mobs and earn high level custom loot.

We also offer daily KOTHs, Envoys and more.