Adventure Kingdoms

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.2
Type Towny Survival PVP Jobs Quests Mature Casual Custom Biomes Custom Enchants
Last Update04 Oct 2022
Join Date04 Oct 2022


Adventure Kingdoms is a brand new server that just entered it's open beta! The server is still in development, which means that you as a player might have a profound impact on how the server develops! We're a mature community who believe in maintaining the fun of playing and therefore don't overburden our players with a jungle of rules. We're here to play, not for bureaucracy.


We offer a server with:

- Towny

- PvP/PvE

- Quests


- Custom Enchantments

- Custom Crates

- Vouchers

and much more!


Join today to begin your own adventure!