Kings of Regnum

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.19 1.19.2
Type Kingdom Roleplay Fantasy Medieval Multiplayer Survival PVP Hardcore
Location United Kingdom
Last Update07 Sep 2022
Join Date09 Aug 2022


Kings of Regnum is an unique fantasy medieval kingdom server heavily focused on roleplay. Create your own character, join a kingdom and help that kingdom to become the best. Roleplay with other characters and kingdoms and fight in epic wars. The server is in 1.18.2 and there is no whitelist. We offer the best roleplay experience of all international Minecraft roleplay servers!


The continent of Regnum is full of custom races, caves, ruins and buildings. Everything is built in the fantasy-medieval style. There is constant roleplaying between the kingdoms and you can get your favourite stuff via the outposts. Due to our custom world, there are several places with custom loot, which is topped up every now and then.


Kings of Regnum contains several plugins that give you the best medieval roleplay feeling. Through the various chat channels you can roleplay as a character (RP chat), but also talk to your kingdom members outside your character (Kingdom chat).