Gardens Realm

Server IP
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Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16.4
Type Vanilla Survival PvE pvp Quests Factions Brewery ChestShop Crates Kit Land Claim
Location United States
Last Update11 Jul 2023
Join Date19 Feb 2021


We are a Vanilla Factions server, we have 8 different faction races to choose from: Dryad, Elf, Faerie, Gnome, Human, Lycanthrope, Orc, and Vampire.

Some Plugins we run are MCMMO, SaberFactions, GriefPrevention, Essentials, LuckPerms, GoldenCrates, Quests, ChestShop, Multiverse, StackMob, AngelChest, Marriage, and more!

We have separate PVP and PVE worlds (with separate inventories). If you aren't into PVP, just play on the PVE world! We have events for both worlds! There's a player shop market available in both worlds as well.

We have additional ranks and items available for purchase under the Donate section. You get many additional benefits from those ranks, so check it out!