
Server IP
Website minebushido.com
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Status Online
Last Ping26 minutes 19 seconds ago
Version 1.20
Type Survival Balanced Economy MCMMO Discord Community Custom Plugins Pve Survival Pvp toogle Slimefun Season
Location Japan
Last Update01 Jun 2024
Join Date31 Aug 2020



Welcome to MineBushido, your new favorite server where Japanese-inspired builds come to life! Immerse yourself in a world where 1.20.2 Survival, exclusive Ranks, thrilling Gacha Keys, a bustling Economy, captivating Achievements, and unique Custom Models await you. But that's not all – we're constantly evolving, so get ready for even more exciting features!

Our dedicated staff are on a mission to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. With unparalleled support and continuous improvements, we guarantee non-stop fun and excitement!

Join us across our diverse range of servers today, where our friendly team and enthusiastic players are waiting to greet you. Rally your friends, dive into epic adventures, and let the good times roll!

Stay updated on all things MineBushido by exploring our website for a sneak peek at our gallery, upcoming events, and key updates. For real-time interaction, valuable support, suggestions, voting opportunities, and more, hop on our Discord server – the true heart of our community.

And hold on tight because even more thrills are coming your way with our upcoming Store! We're currently sprucing up the server to ensure an unforgettable experience for all our players. Join us on this exciting journey!

Follow us on Instagram @MineBushido_ and join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/pzMDNrh2PQ to be part of the action. Let's make memories together, fueled by fun and camaraderie. See you in the game, samurais!

If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to let me know.

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