RainbowCraft SMP

IP del Servidor
Discord Discord
Estatus Unknown
Ultimo PingMonitoring disabled
Versión 1.18 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.18.x 1.19
Tipo Balanced Economy ChestShop Economy Friendly Land Claim Hard SMP Player Warps Survival Events
Ubicación United States
Ultima Actualización27 Jul 2022
Fecha de Ingreso11 Mar 2022


We are a new server with a fresh new world - the majority of it regenerated for 1.19, currently we have a solid base of players and average anywhere from 6-14 users on at a time depending on the day and time. We are primarily a vanilla server but we do have several QOL plugins - Land claiming, server /shop for selling items, player chest shops, and player warps along with a few others and some fun plugins such as mob and player drop heads.

We host various types of events - we've just started a recurring build competition, we have had a hunger games competition with another coming up soon, and we hold pvp competitions semi-regularly.

We have no age requirement, we just ask that you behave in a mature manner. We are a friendly and welcoming server. Toxic people will be removed from the community with little or no warning.

Our rules are simple:
[1] Be nice.
[2] Respect other players. Any discriminatory remarks towards someone's race, gender or sexuality will not be tolerated.
[3] Do not steal.
[4] No griefing or claimblocking.
[5] Keep chat PG-13.
[6] Hacked clients / xray resource packs / auto clickers and other methods that give you an unfair advantage are not allowed.
[7] No tp killing or spawn killing.
[8] Be nice.