Galactic Craft 1.19

Server IP
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.17.x 1.18.x 1.19
Type Movecraft Star Wars Factions Faction Survival Survival Factions Kits Guns Starwars Creative Whitelist
Location United States
Last Update08 Apr 2024
Join Date14 Sep 2019


The server is currently whitelisted. Please use the Discord to request a whitelist to join.

In a far off galaxy, humanity has learned to master the stars. Adventure, trade, and galactic warfare have connected distant star systems together in alliances and rivalry. Various factions struggle over control of sectors, and rampant piracy plagues trade routes. In this galaxy, control your ship, serve with your crew, and build your empire.

Construct starships of any size, and equip them with different devices and weapons to travel to over 11 unique planets. Defend yourself with a variety of handheld weapons, and engage in large scale sieges for control over sectors in space.

Galactic Craft is a server that was established in 2014 as a Realm. Since then, we've grown into a larger community. You can have flyable ships, guns, PVP players, Creative Plots, go on quests, fight against custom mobs, and more! The server is primarily factions, but there's also smaller minigames that players can partake in. A server wiki is also available for those who want to learn more about the server's functions.