
IP-адрес сервера
Discord Discord
Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Версия 1.16.5
Тип Modpack Mods Survival PvE Amazing Casual Free Roleplay Land Claim Multiplayer
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление17 Jun 2021
Дата регистрации17 Jun 2021


We're a small, tight-knit community of people who love playing modded Minecraft. The server runs almost 24/7 (due to maintenance and restarts). There is also discord integration with minecraft chat! We have active staff who play on the server and are eager to help provide the best player experience possible. The current server is running a slightly modified All the Mods 6 version 1.6.9, allowing for players to get the best taste of all the coolest mods of 1.16. Mess with your friends using Shrink to become tiny people, build crazy kinetic contraptions that do all sorts of crazy things with Create, craft OP gear with Silent Gear, or maybe build a village to serve your whims with Minecolonies. These are just some of the cool things you can do while joining a fun community along the way. Join and have fun!