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Ultima Verificare7 minutes 25 seconds ago
Versiune Any All 1.8 1.8.x 1.20
Tip Joc Gta Action Active Gangs Guns PVP Warzone Unique Call Of Duty Combat
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare24 Jul 2024
Data inregistrarii26 May 2022


► Guns » Using CrackShot, we have over 40 Custom Guns including Tiers 1 through 5 weapons that can be found in chests, special CheatCode items than can be bought at our store or won in crates, and much more!

► Gangs » Create Gangs with your own custom name, invite your friends, sethomes, and more!

► Airdrops » Every 30 minutes, a plane flies over the city of Greenfield, dropping supplycrates! Crates are scattered around the map and contain anywhere from regular, to the best of the best of items!

► Crates » Keys can be found in airdrops or bought in our store! Different crates have different loot!

► ***** » Our ***** is a unique feature that allows players to use specific "*****" that will give them temporary effect.

Join us on discord for the latest updates on the server using! We hope to see you soon!

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