
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.17 1.17.1
Type Towny wars Nations Balanced Economy pvp
Location Romania
Last Update08 Jan 2024
Join Date08 Jan 2024


BlazeSMP is a romanian earth-nations minecraft server which is active since 2022.
The server was built in english too so that players all over the europe/world can join our server.

This server is kinda different because it has some textures that are changing the game a little bit.
Not too many textures because it'll destroy the feeling and experience of "Minecraft".
The server is based on towns and nations of course and the experience of this amazing server should be realistic and diplomatic.

We will try to offer you the best quality and the newest and best things and plugin we'll able to add!

For more questions you can enter our discord server to open a ticket or just contact our admins; managers or developers.
We hope you will have fun on your great community!