Atlantix World

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19.x
Type Pve Survival Community Quality Land Claim SMP Semi Vanilla
Location United Kingdom
Last Update18 Mar 2023
Join Date23 Jan 2021


Welcome to Atlantix World ♆ !

Atlantix is a community driven Semi-Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server with quality of life plugins such as GriefPrevention and Tree Gravity and basic commands like /sethome, /rtp, /tpa etc…

❀ We really are looking to have a nice and kind place to play with people from all horizons. We are trying to build a community where everyone feels safe and can have fun and meet other players! ❀

Additional features are :
   ➤ Comprehensive staff
   ➤ Rewards for voting → ranks with perks and keys for vote crates
   ➤ Marketplace where you can create your own shop to sell items and blocks in exchange for any other item or block, with diamonds being the main currency (TradeShop).
   ➤ Player Warps and Events
   ➤ Silk touch spawners
   ➤ Ability to have jukebox playing continuously with the discs you have collected
   ➤ /givepet
   ➤ Choose to have your chests sort automatically with /chestsort
   ➤ No keep inventory
We strive to create a fun and chill environment to play in :)
Create towns and events and play with friends