CloudCraft NordicSMP

Server IP
Discord Discord
Version 1.16.x 1.16 1.14 1.15 1.13
Type Pve Survival Safe Survival Community Survival Team Survival PvE Land Claim Economy Quests AntiGrief
Location Finland
Last Update12 Dec 2021
Join Date11 Jan 2021


Welcome to CloudCraft! Tervetuloa CloudCraftiin! Velkommen til CloudCraft! We're a small survival server, themed around the Nordic countries – where we value community above everything else.

Java: Bedrock: (port 19132)

Discord: Instagram: @cloudcraftnordic

Our server is almost 8 years old: running from back in 2014, we know how to create a community and environment where friendship comes before everything else. We're not a big server, and we're going to keep it that way – a smaller playerbase means everyone knows each other, and everyone is friends!

We have a community full of native Nordic players, avid language-learners, and other people from all around the globe.

CloudCraft's biomes are hand-made to feel like the real-life terrain in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Åland and Greenland – one of the things that makes the server so comfy to be a part of! It feels just like home!

We're not a pay-to-win server – most of the things you need to pay for on other servers are free to have on CloudCraft, without money or time: no PvP, keep-inventory, warps, unlimited homes, unlimited claim blocks and more!

We're totally looking forward to greeting you with an extremely warm CC welcome. It might take a while to start blending in with everyone, but once you do, you've just found a small group of people who will love you as one of their own. See you soon! <3

PS. Our players only play during afternoon hours in Europe, and we're mostly all kids and have school to go – if there's nobody online, join our Discord so you can check when we hop on!