Matecraft Network

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Status Online
Last Ping20 minutes 22 seconds ago
Version 1.8.x 1.15
Type Survival Extended Survival RPG Creative Survival Skyblock AcidIsland Skygrid Skywars Community Custom MiniGames Buildbattle
Location Canada
Last Update15 May 2020
Join Date02 Sep 2015


Matecraft is a growing Minecraft network that is very heavily focused on the community and gameplay.

The servers are updated regularly and new content and features are added, we offer an immersive experience, with custom features and the following game modes.

·        SkyBlock (We run AcidIsland, CaveBlock, SkyGrid & ZenIsland, *NEW* OneBlock)

·        Creative (Both plots & free build worlds)

·        Survival (Consisting of two different servers with varying difficulty & features)

·        Minigames (We run three unique minigames BomberMate, SuperSmashMates & MateQuake)

If you would like to find out more come and join us or you can alternatively visit our website or the discord (

If you use the coupon code /redeem FeelingSheepish in-game, you will earn a unique reward.

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