
Server IP
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Type Survival Modded Tekkit
Location Canada
Last Update15 Oct 2022
Join Date26 May 2013


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✔ Server address:

Tekkit Modpack:
➣ Galacticraft
➣ Buildcraft
➣ MineFactory Reloaded
➣ Modular Powersuits
➣ Thermal Expansion
➣ Mystcraft
➣ Thermal Expansion
➣ Applied Energistics
➣ Dimensional Doors
And a lot of smaller mods,

Server Info:
> Server hosted in DataCenter on a Dedicated Server in Canada near USA border.
> Online 24/7.
> MyTown Mod for land protection.
> Economy, Server shops, Players Market, Rewards, Crates.
> Clans, PvP.
> Live Maps:

Restricted items list:

We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.

Change Logs
01 Mar 2014
Server Updated to v1.2.6! Changes: Full Server Wipe New Server Configuration (Mods,Plugins) New and better Server Host located in USA New shops using new currency New vote rewards New Spawn Broker replaced by Player Traders Less banned items New better land protection with MyTown mod - create towns and nations Turtles, quarries and more are safe to use Grief reduced to minimum The server is located on a ram disk entirely to reduce lag to minimum Changes to VIP Ranks and perks Added more server slots lots of fixes and improvments Read More!
03 Mar 2014
Server Updates to v1.2.7 Changes: Some of the major issues resolved: Treecapitator should now recognize all axes and all tree types. Dimensional Anchor no longer spams logs Various EE3 issues, including Glass Bell server crashes and uncraftable Minium Stone, should be resolved. Updated mods: Atomic Science has been updated to version bspkrscore has been updated to version 5.3 Additional Buildcraft Objects has been updated to version Calclavia Core has been updated to version Carpenter's Blocks has been updated to version 2.0.3 Dimensional Anchor has been updated to version 57.1.95 EE3 has been updated to version 0.1.44 Galacticraft has been updated to version Immibis Microblocks has been updated to version 57.6.3 LogisticsPipes has been updated to version MFFS has been updated to version Mystcraft has been updated to version OpenModslib has been updated to version 0.2 OpenPeripheralsAddons has been updated to version 0.1.1 OpenPeripheralsCore has been updated to version 0.3.1 UE-Core has been updated to version Waila has been updated to version 1.5.1
20 Mar 2014
Server Updated to v1.2.8c modpack version! Read here about the update!
21 Mar 2014
Updated to v1.2.8d
01 Apr 2014
Updated to v1.2.8e
17 May 2014
Server Updated to v1.2.9d
22 May 2014
Server Updated to v1.2.9e - fixes some logistics pipes crashes
02 Jun 2014
Changes: > Added 2 kits for players: starter and food. To get these kits just do /kit starter or /kit food , there is no price on them just a cooldown. > Added Dynamic Maps, well the maps are not rendered yet, it will take some time to finish, but yes now we have Live Server Maps > Updates for shopkeepers, i hope this will fix some of the traders dupes and also the inactivity removal, A trader inactive for 7 days will be removed, so remember to check it time to time. > New Random Spawn System. We added a new plugin for random spawn, I think this one is better and more random. > And this week all vote rewards are 4x. > We had to disable the Deep Dark world because it's buggy, we had a 4h major crash because of it. We will wait for an update with fixes.
24 Jul 2016

Server Updates! Clans, Crates, Rewards!
Read more!

02 Mar 2018

Tekkit Server WIPE/Reset is complete! Enjoy new map seeds and fresh world to explore! Space Exploration! 🚀 Read more: