Thin Blue Line RP

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Type RP Police Cops Fire Ems Sheriff DOT
Location United States
Last Update30 Apr 2023
Join Date22 Apr 2023





Thin Blue Line RP is a community driven serious role playing server for GTA V. We focus on creating realistic but entertaining law enforcement and emergency response scenarios and environments. Our server is still in the earlier stages of growing with plans and expectations for large expansions to come. 


We currently have the following departments and subdivisions:

  • BCSO: Blaine County Sheriff Office

            - Air Support

            - Criminal Investigation Division

            - Motor Division

  • FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (Admin/Staff Only)
  • LSPD: Los Santos Police Department

            - Air Support

            - Criminal Investigation Division

            - Gang Investigation Unit

            - Motor Division

  • SADOT: San Andreas Department of Transportation
  • SAHP: San Andreas Highway Patrol (Taking Applications Soon)
  • SAFR: San Andreas Fire and Rescue


Thin Blue Line RP utilizes FivePD which is a NPC bases callout system allowing our members to respond to a wide variety of callouts. We currently have 200+ individual callouts that are possible along with the many other dynamic scenarios our members will find themselves in. Events and ceremonies are becoming more and more of a regular occurrence which provide our members with a diverse role playing experience.


Plans for future divisions and departments are in the works as we grow in numbers, which include K9 Unit, S.W.A.T., Dispatch, News and Media and a growing number of other possibilities. Our Cyber Security team with the FBI is continually looking for new and exciting ways to improve the experience for each of our members and truly listens to it's communities feedback. 


We hope that you decide to check us out and join our great list of members and community. We truly are like a family as many of our members communicate throughout our normal lives and week. We are a supportive and enthusiastic group of people that are looking to have a fun and engaging RP experience with one another by continuing to learn and grow. We look forward to meeting any new members and hope you decide to do so. 




Thin Blue Line RP Community