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Estatus Online
Ultimo Ping28 minutes 52 seconds ago
Versión 1.20.6
Tipo Geopolitical City Towny Political Economy MCjobs Earth Semi Vanilla Clans Mature Staff
Ubicación Greece
Ultima Actualización21 May 2024
Fecha de Ingreso21 May 2024


Live as your greatest version! Macedon is there to support you in your journey to wherever you may wish to go.

Macedon Registration: A citizen registration to let the Macedon authorities know of your arrive, your purpose in our fine land and whether we have anything you might need. This helps us gauge how long you will be staying so that we may serve you as best as we can during your visit.

A few of our features:
- Educational videos, public opinion polling, tier lists on your favorite items, mobs, and events.

- Land claiming and towny, for your city building needs.

- Practice and compete against each other to have the chance to be part of the official Macedon Bedwars team.

- Join different factions within Macedon and vie for leadership within gangs, companies, and even your neighborhood.

- A family-friendly experience safe from NSFW audio-visual stimuli.

- Join or Create your own Minigames after studying from previous attempts.

- Become the strongest player in your field of work with McMMO.

Join our discord server right now and introduce yourself, do not be afraid to fill the forms as practice is the best medicine for anxiety! This advice comes from experience, learn more about why here:

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