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Versi贸n 1.19.x
Tipo Survival SMP Hermitcraft hermitcraftlike Adult Friendly Friendly staff Grief Prevention Community Semi Vanilla
Ubicaci贸n United Kingdom
Ultima Actualizaci贸n13 Dec 2024
Fecha de Ingreso25 Feb 2021


We are a 1.21+ Hermitcraft-like survival server with an awesome friendly adult community!
Beacoland is a 1.21+ Hermitcraft-like survival server. We are ‘semi-vanilla’ with just a few added extras to improve performance, safety and player experience. These extras include OnePlayerSleep, Mob & Player heads and a co-ordinates hub. We believe we are the closest you will find to vanilla whilst still maintaining anti-grief/theft alongside server optimisation. Builds and items are made safe by CoreProtect but beyond this, there are no plugins which affect gameplay, such as /tp, /spawn or /home. At the time of writing, we currently have over 20 heavily active players, with more joining every day!

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