Sunlit Survival

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19
Type Backpacks Balanced Economy AntiGrief Citizens City Rpg Land Claim Chill Exploring Quests Jobs
Location United States
Last Update26 Nov 2022
Join Date30 Jun 2022


Sunlit Survival is a brand new 18+ 1.19 semi-vanilla community oriented survival server, inviting groups of friends and individuals alike to join us for their next Minecraft adventure. With a fresh 1.19 world, come join us to discover the deep dark cities and **** the ender dragon.

Our many features include a player based economy with easy player shops, land claiming to organize and protect your property, server wide time and weather voting, NPC quests that can be completed for rewards, rare items and sets to collect, RTP to find the perfect building spot, TPA to teleport to your friends, gather XP from crops and convert XP into in-game currency, work jobs for in-game currency, and more.