Craria MC

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18.x
Type Pve Survival Fishing Grief Prevention
Location United States
Last Update27 Feb 2022
Join Date26 Feb 2022


Craria MC

Craria MC

We are a new and upcoming survival server focused on a lag free, and freindly player experience. Our goal as a community is to bring together miners in a way never done before! We are doing our best to give our players the most unqiue play experience possible. We are doing this with custom items, quests, dungeons, and custom plugins made in house by our very own developers!

One of the things the Craria server prides ourselves on is using modern technology to run our servers. Utilizing 64 gigs of ram with 1gbps uplink. This ensures our players will have a lag free experience with minimal latency. No one likes a laggy server!

As our community is ever growing, and our staff team is constantly updating. We will always have new fresh things for our players to try in game!

Hope to see you around!
- Craria Staff Team