
Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.18 1.17 1.16
Type Survival PVP Dungeons Economy Fishing Lands Quests Leveling
Location United States
Last Update28 Feb 2022
Join Date25 Feb 2022


• Server Version: 1.18.1 • Friendly Community • Custom Plugins • Fishing • Lands • Quests • Dungeons • Events •

Salvos GG

Welcome to Salvos GG! Simply put, we are a team of Minecraft enthusiasts that enjoy creating and sharing content for a game that we all love. We offer a semi-vanilla experience enhanced by well thought out features that we think you'll enjoy.

We pride ourselves on ensuring there is something for everyone here! Our player driven economy paired with our lands system fosters friendships and rivalries. Our PvP fans will love our warzone with supply drops, we've got fishing and mining plugins for the Survival oriented, and even dungeons for those who want a challenge and reward.

Our staff are dedicated to you, the player. Our goal is to build a friendly environment for anyone to make memories and be themselves. So what are you waiting for!? Jump online, join our discord! Maybe even give Fitz a pat or two. We hope to see you there.