
قم بالتصويت لـ خادم

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عنوانIPالخاص بالخادم
Discord Discord
الحالة Unknown
التنبيه الأخيرMonitoring disabled
الإصدار 1.8.9 1.8.8
النوع Factions Skyblock Op skyblock Op factions Network Hub Network Competitive
الموقع الجغرفي United States
أحرز هدفا0
التحديث الأخير23 Aug 2021
تاريخ الانضمام26 Mar 2021


Utopia is a competitive Factions and Skyblock Network which focuses on bringing the best quality game play and competition we can give! We are always open and looking for new players to come compete on our server.
If you have any queries or questions be sure to checkout our discord and create a ticket.