Blockfront II

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Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16.x
Type Star Wars Roleplay Abilities Towny Raiding Custom terrain Ships Weapons Custom MiniGames
Location United States
Last Update12 Dec 2020
Join Date26 Jan 2020


Blockfront II: New Frontiers

Two Years After The Battle of Endor...The Climate of the Galaxy has shifted. The Empire has fallen, giving way to a galaxy free from it's Durasteel grip. The ways of the force have begun to echo through the galaxy once again. However, all is not peaceful... In the Fall of the Empire, Crime syndicates and Imperial Remnants clash against the New Republic. Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters stalk these lands hunting for new bounties. And whispers of a mysterious Dark presence loom in the shadows...

A Force Power Progression System, which lets you choose what type of Force User you want to be!

Lightsabers are also obtainable through crafting and quests

 - With Over 20 Different Types!

Bounty Hunter Missions:
Track down Elite and Powerful mobs across the galaxy and bring them in for Credits and EXP!

Battle Bosses across the stars :
Defeat the Mightiest of foes in a variety of Arenas!

Competitive and Fast Paced Heroes VS Villains Gamemode

With Updates Rolling Out Constantly, The Server Meta is always changing!

Role-Play, Conquer, Relive your Star Wars Memories!


May The Blocks Be With You!

Change Logs
27 Mar 2020

New Features


- Orange Lightsaber

- 5 new Mini Bosses

- Land Speeders

- Darksaber

- Sith Temple

- Better Crate Loot

- Playtime Rewards

04 May 2020

Force Power Update Changes:

Force Textures Have Been Changed Textures were created curtsey of ZeoMaddox!

Force Powers now have cooler Particle Effects

Force Push/Pull: - Now Attached To An Item - Can Push and Pull from up to 15 blocks away

Force Drain: - Increased Drain Range

Force Mindtrick: - Increased Mindtrick Range

Force Heal: - Redone Completely - Now creates a ring and any user inside that ring at time of use will be healed and the force healer will receive a heal boost aswell

Force Freeze: - Increased Range - Now Works on Mobs

Force Dash: - Nerfed Slightly

Force Sense: - New Force Power - Lets the player know if there is another player nearby within a 250 block radius

30 May 2020

Over The Course of this Month, we plan on releasing tons of new content! Here is a rough outline of when you can expect things to come out

Rebel vs Empire Event:

This Event will begin today. On joining you will be greeted with a pop-up asking you to either join the Rebellion or Join The Empire.
Your choice will not be known by others. If you kill another player, you will be messaged if the player you killed was on the opposite side.
At the end of the Month, the side with the most kills from of the other team will receive the BB-8(if rebellion wins) or BB-9E(if empire wins).
Remember, no one will know what you are unless you get killed by them.
Backwards Lightsabers:
Expect this feature to come around 5/29-6/1
The crafting recipe for backwards sabers will be an ironblock in the middle and a crystal in the bottom-middle slot

A Surprise:
on 5/31 come on for a surprise!

New Mini-bosses:
Stormtroopers and Sith Inquisitors will begin appearing all over the world. (6/1-6/3)

Other Content We Have No Date For ATM:
- Tie-Fighters
- Double Color Sabers
- Blaster Remodels
- New Blasters!
- New Gadgets
- Sith Temple Arena
- R2D2/R4D4/Gonk Droid

05 Jun 2020

Throwable Sabers is now out!

12 Aug 2020

Blockfront II: New Frontiers

15 Years Later...

The Climate of the Galaxy has shifted. The Empire has fallen, giving way to a galaxy free from it's Durasteel grip. The ways of the force have begun to echo through the galaxy once again. However, all is not peaceful... In the Fall of the Empire, Crime syndicates and Imperial Remnants clash against the New Republic. Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters stalk these lands hunting for new bounties. And whispers of a mysterious Dark presence loom in the shadows...

Blockfront II is moving into a new era! Experience the server like never before, see the world in the new shades of Minecraft 1.16.1. We have reset the nether so you can go and explore the brand new Nether structures.

Time Jump:
We are moving the server into the post ROTJ era. This is a great way to produce new and unique ideas that haven’t been explored. All of our locations have also time jumped along with the server!

Meta Changes:
As the galaxy progresses, so does technology;
- All old blasters have been replaced
- Blasters now deal more damage
- Lightsabers have received a slight nerf
- All Protection enchantments over Protection IV will be set to Protection IV

Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession....
Brand New Bounty Hunter missions! Trade emeralds in for a tracking phob in the cantina. You can activate this and find a list of bounties around the world of Alpha Prime. Go to these coordinates and hunt unique bounties. Upon completing a bounty you will be rewarded with exp and emeralds!
Level System:
Our brand new Level progression system is arriving in this update.
By using the /levels command you can view your characters level and how much exp it needs to level up! Upon leveling up you will receive 1 skill point which can be used to obtain force powers and other abilities. Leveling up also allows you to explore new areas and complete more things. For example you must be level 5 to engage in the bounty hunting missions

Force Power Progression System:

We have moved from 18 force powers upgrades to 32 upgrades. Upon doing
/forcepow you will be greeted with a brand new fresh GUI that will show you what you have unlocked, what you can unlock, and will have a menu for you to grab the force power discs.

Resource Pack Changes:
- Fox Texture -> Loth Cat
- Parrot Texture -> Porg
- Crossbow Texture -> Bowcaster
- 2 new blaster textures

13 Nov 2020

Saber Pikes Arrive On The Blockfront
- The brand new Saber pike weapon is now available!
- Crafting Recipe Below!
- Saber Pikes have a 2x Saber Break ability
- Deals less damage than a Lightsaber

Saber Break Ability
- Saber break basically is a passive ability which means if your opponent is holding a lightsaber, there is a chance you will be able to bypass his block and damage him

- Comes in three tiers
- Tier 1: 1% chance of saber break - 3 Skill Points
- Tier 2: 3% chance of saber break -3 Skill Points
- Tier 3: 5% chance of saber break - 5 Skill Points

*Percentages subject to change

Pike Rush Ability
- This ability bypasses any saber block and lunges you forward towards and enemy pushing them back
- Three Tiers aswell, each tier does increasing damage + KnockBack

Both Abilities are found in the Offense category in /forcepow