
Server IP
Website store.fablesmp.com
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.19 1.19.1 1.19.2
Type Survival PvP Survival Multiplayer Survival Team Survival Vanilla Survival Action Claim Custom Plugins Custom Enchants Custom Map
Location Germany
Last Update04 Dec 2022
Join Date11 Nov 2022


FableSMP is a Fantasy survival server and the only SMP experience you might need! We have everything from Bedrock & Java support to Bounties and Rewards.

Here are some of the other things our server can offer you:
- Silkspawners
- Multiple Economies
- Awesome crate rewards
- No death-ban, instead, you lose 30% of your money when you die.
- If you're in the Top #3 of Leaderboards you instantly get a free Rank.
- Big Caves
- 10k x 10k World.

Join us today!
* play.fablesmp.com
* https://fablesmp.com/discord