UltraicMC 1.20

Server IP
Website ultraic.space
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Version 1.16.x 1.12.x 1.8.x 1.19.x 1.20.x
Type Semi Vanilla Survival Cracked
Location Philippines
Last Update04 Jul 2023
Join Date24 Aug 2021


A semi-vanilla survival server that aims to be feel vanilla whilst still changing the experience and making multiplayer convenient. Doesn't have pay-to-win, and never will. Free speech without toxicity.
Come play! play.ultraic.space

We officially support Bedrock cross-play (19132) & 1.17-1.20 clients, though 1.8-1.16.5 still work.
We have a server modpack that offers up to 2.5x more fps! Instructions for installation are at https://performance.ultraic.space/ .