Immersion Roleplay

Server IP
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Last PingMonitoring disabled
Type Custom Cars Drugs Economy Ems MET Police Gangs Jobs Serious Rp Fun Discord
Location United Kingdom
Last Update29 Sep 2021
Join Date29 Sep 2021


Immersion Roleplay is a serious RP server, based in the UK - Which has only just launched and is in its very early phases and looking to grow. The city has fully working Police Force, EMS and with potential of Fire Brigade in the future, should the citizens show an interest in bringing that in.
It immerses players with a British Economy, Gangs & *****, Crypto mining (amongst other fun and RP-filled jobs), Trading cards (Football, pokemon and COMING SOON personal business owner cards to collect). The city also offers Golf, Paintballing and Basketball as social activities that citizens of the city can partake in.

Along with this, the city has a ********** with all of your... adult needs, a Japanese restaurant which specialises in authentic food, a nightclub/hitman organisation for those crazy nights out.. and extra jobs you may need on the illegal side of things, as well as a Car Dealership, with custom cars for you to purchase and enjoy!

There are still options for people to purchase businesses within the city, as well as multiple jobs already there for people to bring out some real RP!

So why not come join us? We'd love to have you!