North Industries

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Status Online
Last Ping33 minutes 53 seconds ago
Type All Games Ark Rocket League Counter strike Call of duty Warzone
Location Germany
Last Update08 Aug 2023
Join Date08 Aug 2023


Welcome to NORTHINDUSTRIES - TeamspeakServer
our vibrant gaming community, where anonymity and encryption are the keys to an immersive and secure experience.
We offer an array of free gaming services that cater to your entertainment needs and foster a sense of togetherness among players.

Benefit from advanced features such as viewer/ranking systems, music bots, and an invite system (, further elevating your multiplayer gaming adventures. What’s more, you can always check if someone is online on our TeamSpeak server without the need to connect by using the TS Viewer link (

Whether you’re engaged in competitive esports tournaments or just having fun with friends, rest assured that your conversations remain private and protected from any potential threats. Our secure and encrypted TeamSpeak server ensures that your data is safeguarded, allowing you to enjoy a seamless and immersive multiplayer experience.

Free Channels | Ranking System | Music Bots | Screen Sharing | Face to Face Meetings | Game Servers and much more.

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