Serapis online-110

Discord Discord
Last Update12 Mar 2023
Join Date12 Mar 2023


Serapis online-110

> <:279644041_103311449045617_740368:1061556139562635335> **Main Characteristic**<:279644041_103311449045617_740368:1061556139562635335> 

> 🔰 Server Cap 110                     🔰Jangan Fortress Enabled
> 🔰 Server Degree 11D               🔰CTF Enabled
> 🔰 Race European & Chinese 🔰Survival Arena Enabled
> 🔰 Skill EU Mastery 220          🔰Battle Arena Enabled
> 🔰 Skill CH Mastery 330          🔰PC/IP Limit 4-8
> 🔰 EXP Rate x12                          🔰Job PC/IP x1-x2
> 🔰 SP EXP Rate x12                    🔰BA, CTF and Survival 1 IP
> 🔰 Party EXP Rate x15               🔰FTW PC Limit 1
> 🔰 Party SP EXP Rate x15         🔰FTW IP Limit 1
> 🔰 Drop Rate x3                           🔰Guild Limit 24
> 🔰 Gold Rate x3                            🔰Plus Limit +11 (no adv)
> 🔰 Alchemy Rate Difficul           🔰Limit Devil +10
> 🔰 All FGW Enabled.
> 🔰 Long Terms.  

>  **Exclusive Features Customized (To be explained in the following posts)**

> 💎 Special Trader Routes Enabled.
> 💎 Upgrade items.
> 💎 Second Bar.
> 💎 New Fellow Pets.
> 💎 New Grab Pets.
> 💎 New Job Suits.
> 💎 New Quests.
> 💎 New NPC's.
> 💎 Custom Events.
>        ↪️  ♦️**Last Man**
>                ♦️**Styria Clash**
>                ♦️**Pvp Match**
>                ♦️**Tower Defend**

>  🔥 **AND MUCH MORE!**🔥