PureSRO D14 Cap130 Free S

Website pure-sro.com
Type Free Silk PvE D14 cap130 High Rate Customs Balanced CTF Battle Arena Auto Events
Location Germany
Last Update26 Jan 2017
Join Date29 Jan 2015


| -Cap 130
| -Degree 14
| -EXP/SP 40x
| -PT Exp 60x
| -Gold/Drop 10x
| -Start Items Yes
| -Start Gold/SP Yes
| -Vote System 1000 PS/24h
| -Tradegoods Enabled
| -Magic-Pop Disabled
| -Alchemy Rate 4x
| -Max Weap Opt. +27 (with Adv.)
| -Max Set Opt. +22 (with Adv.)
| -Max Acc's Opt. +25 (with Adv.)
| -Trade Event(x2
Free Silk
- you can use these Silks to buy Items
from the item mall
and much more items

Including Job Temple
- With Custom Uniques
- Custom Quests
- Custom Mobs

Friendly and Active Staff
-24/7 Live Support Ingame
-Daily Events(Unique Event,
Lucky Crit and much more)
-Auto Events every two hours ( H&S - Uniques - PVP )
-Best PVP players automatic rewards
-Best characters PVP events ( STR - INT - CH - EU )

Balanced the pvp between Euro & China Race

Custom Lvl 130 Uniques
-Rocs for INT Only
-Rocs for STR Only
-King Roc for PureSILK rewards every day
-Arabia Uniques with Arena Coins for Immortal and so on
-other normal uniques too for plvl and quests

Unique Spawns
and the Normal Spawns from Uniques.
Change Logs
27 Dec 2016

Vote System: Now you can get 1000 PS Every 24h
Trade Event: Try to deliver your Trade between event time to get extra gold x2