
IP-адрес сервера
Discord Discord
Статус Unknown
Последний PingMonitoring disabled
Версия 1.20 1.20.x
Тип Towny Survival SMP Economy Skills Jobs Quests Community Semi Vanilla Lgbt
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление11 Nov 2023
Дата регистрации28 Oct 2021


PetrichorMC is a semi-vanilla 1.20.2 survival multiplayer server with a fun and welcoming LGBTQ+ community and a dedicated staff team.

Design beautiful towns with your new friends, knowing that your builds and items will be safe with our anti-griefing and Towny plugins. Our comprehensive trio of the Skills, Jobs, and Quests plugins will keep you making money, keep you busy, and keep you competing for that #1 leaderboard spot. Get married, go fishing, purchase ranks that give you different perks, or just build your pet cat collection — it’s all up to you!

Our community hosts a massively LGBTQ+ player base & staff team, who are super supportive, inclusive, and friendly, regardless of who you are. We strive to be a safe place to be who you want to be, explore your creativity, and test out your survival skills alongside like-minded players!

Playing on a Minecraft server doesn't have to be boring, stressful, or lonely. Join us on PetrichorMC, where you can be yourself and have fun.

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See you soon!