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Статус Online
Последний Ping18 minutes 46 seconds ago
Версия 1.16.x
Тип Anarchy Survival SMP MCMMO Jobs Player Warps Commands Free Ranks Free Vip Land Claim
Расположение United States
Последнее обновление20 Mar 2023
Дата регистрации24 Jul 2020


TrilliumHQ is a SMP server. We have ranks for free, kits for free, quests, customenchants, jobs, shops, auctions, simpleprotection, a booming economy and excellent staff support. Server is ran 24/7 with minimal lag or downtime. We are an average sized community that has potential to grow larger.

*10000+ Custom Weapons and Armor with effects and stats.
*Enchantment upgrades "/Upgrade"
***Shop with all minecraft items available at /Shop***
*Free teleporting to coordinates /tppos
*Free kits at spawn
*Free rank after playing for 1 hour
*Free Chestsorting
*Auction House
*Great plugins! Large selection of plugins that make the server unique!
*Occasional Events! Earn fame, prizes, and ranks!
*Well Balanced Economy
*McMMO to break up the monotony and spice of survival gameplay up
*Fun and unique ways of earning money
*No restrictions on building and farming

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