Legendary Hardcore

IP Server
Website wiki.legendaryhc.org
Discord Discord
Status Online
Ultima Verificare25 minutes 22 seconds ago
Versiune 1.21 1.21.1 1.21.2 1.21.3 1.21.x
Tip Joc Hardcore Vanilla Adult Challenge Hcf SMP Raiding
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare11 Mar 2025
Data inregistrarii06 Feb 2025


LegendaryHardcore is a Permaban Vanilla Gameplay Hardcore server with no resets, and no gameplay restrictions.

If you die at any time after joining the server, your account is Permanently Banned with zero way to revive the account.

The server is as barebones as possible to maintain the true vanilla experience, however there are some features added to enhance the hardcore aspect of the server.

Player Heads
The most noticeable change from vanilla gameplay is when a player dies on the server, their player head will be Placed on the ground where they died. The player head will contain the date and cause of death. Placed heads are invulnerable to explosions, if any related deaths occur.

DiscordSRV is installed on the server so all events and chat messages are logged, and players on the discord can talk to online players.

Custom Statistic Tracking
The server has a custom statistic tracking plugin that is linked to the servers wiki, displaying a set amount of each players statistics. The website to view these statistics is wiki.legendaryhc.org/index.php/Player_Statistics

IP: mc.legendaryhc.org

Version 1.21.3 Java Edition Only

Discord: https://discord.gg/7UTsq2qXpq

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