Gamers React MC

IP Server
Discord Discord
Versiune 1.17.1 1.16.5 1.12.2 1.8.9 1.18.2
Tip Joc Survival Oneblock Op skyblock Skyblock
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare16 May 2023
Data inregistrarii12 Sep 2021


We will be featuring a great community, amazing builds, awesome adventures and soo many opportunities for fun!

Want to play Survival?
You Got It!

Want to play SkyBlock or Oneblock?
You Got It!

What else can we do?
Super glad you asked; Tired of the same old 1.8 minecraft with no colors, no design potential, well at Gamers React we offer huge multiplayer worlds, hosted on on the best hardware featuring all the new blocks from 1.16, 1.17 and beyond. Want a blackstone piglin infested house. No problem! Want some weathered copper on your roof. Yea you can have that too!

Go watch Gamers React on YouTube and we will see you soon. We will be featuring clips obtained on the server on the main YouTube Channel.