Legacy 1.17

IP Server
Website legacy.rocks
Discord Discord
Versiune 1.15.1 1.16.x 1.17 1.14.x 1.13.x
Tip Joc Marriage Creative Lucky blocks Mypet Towny Custom Enchants Skyblock Slimefun Runecraft Survival
Locatie United States
Ultima Actualizare11 Jul 2021
Data inregistrarii08 Dec 2015


Legacy is a friendly and welcoming community always listening to the community for feedback to help tailor the server towards you the player! We are based around the Towny plugin, but with our diverse list of plugins we have many fun ways to play.

Some of our features include;

✦ Towny ✦ Economy ✦ Slimefun ✦ Magic ✦ Land Claims ✦ Custom Enchants ✦ Pets ✦ Quests ✦ SkyBlock ✦ LuckyBlocks ✦ Creative Plots ✦ mcmmo ✦ Custom Achievements ✦ Brewery ✦ Resource World ✦ Vote Parties ✦ and more!

Join us on Discord!
