
IP do Servidor
Website hypexmc.xyz
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão 1.8 1.18.2 1.19
Tipo Creative Minigames Adventure Arcade Multiplayer Survival
Localização United States
Última Atualização25 Jan 2023
Data de Entrada10 Dec 2022



Welcome to Hypex, where everything is centered around creativity, innovation and fun!

On Hypex you can create your own place: it can be a game, a map, a building, a place to relax or a normal survival. The possibilities are endless.

Publish your places and make them playable by everyone, or just play with friends on community generated places: the choice is yours to make.

Plugins, scripting, teams and kits can help you to create your very own creation just as you imagine.

Want to play with friends? We have got you covered! We support Java, Bedrock and VR users.

Website: https://www.hypexmc.xyz/
Discord: https://discord.gg/bpTQBbTsEu

Java/VR IP: play.hypexmc.xyz
Bedrock IP: bedrock.hypexmc.xyz| Port: 8059

We hope to see you soon!