Quantum Farming

IP do Servidor
Discord Discord
Status Unknown
Último PingMonitoring disabled
Versão 1.18.2
Tipo Farming Faction Survival PvE Grinders Player Ranks Ranks Rankups PvP Survival pvp
Localização United States
Última Atualização20 Jun 2022
Data de Entrada20 Jun 2022


Hello, I'm AmpleGG here to advertise my BRAND NEW Farming / Faction PVP survival server! We will be adding non stop content. We are aiming to have 40-50 ranks and also a prestige system. Donation perks are still being tossed around. This is a hardcore farming server. There is a lot of grinding to do and I hope to see you guys join to take the plunge into the plethora of ranks that will be added, along with fantastic content!