LifeSteal SMP 1.19

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Último Ping8 minutes 48 seconds ago
Versão Java Version Latest 1.19
Tipo Vanilla Hardcore Hard Server Basic Plugins Life Steal Friendly Staff SMP Challenging Semi Vanilla Griefing Allowed
Localização United Kingdom
Última Atualização10 Jul 2022
Data de Entrada25 Sep 2021


Welcome to the public LifeSteal SMP!


We are a simple server based on semi-vanilla with an additional feature where you can steal hearts from other players! If you kill someone, you receive their heart and the person you killed loses a heart, which will result in the killer having a maximum of 11 hearts and the victim 9. Our players also have the same advantages in PvP, and we do not restrict you from stealing or raiding other bases. We have made a limit of maximum 20 hearts on the server, and the lowest you can go is 5 hearts, so you don’t have to be afraid of getting banned as it’s already challenging to play on a hard difficulty with the minimum hearts.


Server Location: Germany

Version: Java Edition, 1.19

Premium Only: Yes

Difficulty: Hard


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