
Type score only no pp relaxV1 Beta AutopilotV1 Approved Map Status
Location France
Last Update10 Jul 2024
Join Date08 Feb 2024


This is osu!, without pp system.

Welcome to join scosu!, score+osu! = scosu!

This server is using only score system. It means Performance Points System is not working on here.

We forget, that adrenaline rush when you see the results window after clearing a difficult map.

So I've decided to ditch the PP system in favor of only registering scores, i.e., getting rankings for your time.

Let's try the real osu!, Enjoy!

Here is the Homepage!

Change Logs
01 Feb 2024

Server open!

02 Feb 2024

Status=approved on bancho, change to ranked!

05 Feb 2024

Fixed Approved Status' map leaderboard is not working

06 Feb 2024

Add Images on menu-bg

Secured DB & Infrastructure

Relax scoring bug Fix

Relax score calculation apply scoreV1

Support ScoreV2 beatmap leaderboard (scores will summed to the Normal side)

09 Feb 2024

fixing relax's scoreV1 algorithm!
still not same as NormalV1 but improved

11 Feb 2024

Finally Fix beatmap redirect issues!
You can press beatmap info now!

12 Feb 2024

Add Some Privilages!
we can recruit Beatmap Team! 

13 Feb 2024

BanchoBot changed to Neuro-Sama >w<

14 Feb 2024

on DIscord Server:
We can now see how much sets are modified on this server.

15 Feb 2024


16 Feb 2024

Update Website:
Rolled out a small update, bringing some cool changes about the Profile page.

  • The right box (Country rank, Total score) is fixed.
  • Up to 10 scores now show at once, but you can load more by clicking the "Load More" button.
  • Removed players without any score from the leaderboard.
  • fix the mode icon is swapped (osu!, osu!mania, osu!taiko, osu!catch --> osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch, osu!mania)

Update DB:
Recalculating RX Statistics.
Re-calculate the Accuracy on profile. (get.average sort as pp -> get.average sort as score)