Escape MU Season 17

Version Season 17 Part 2 Opening 02 July
Type 9999x Balanced PvP Castle Siege Big Spots Fun Server Long Term New Features New Wings
Location United Kingdom
Last Update26 Jun 2022
Join Date30 Apr 2022


Escape MU Season 17

Escape MU - Full Season 17 Part 2
Easy Server | 99999x | High Rates
Opening 02 July 2022

About Us:

Escape MU is a free MU Online server for international audience. The server is using the latest version of the game - Season 17 Part 2, including all new characters, maps, events, quests, items and features. 
Escape MU is created and maintained by professional developers with a passion for MU Online. Our server machines are located in a specialized datacenter which guarantees 100% uptime and lag-free gaming.

Server Description:

High experience server for fast and easy leveling and item hunting. High drop and success rates. You will find Excellent items and Wings for all character classes at the shops. All the skills for all character classes are available at the shops as well. The maps are full of monster spots. All character classes are unlocked, so you can create your favorite character as soon as you enter the game.

Basic Info:

- Version: Full Season 17, Part 2
- Experience: 99999x
- Drop Rate: 100%
- Maximum Level: 400
- Maximum Master Level: 800
- Maximum stats: 32767

Reset System:

- Reset Level: 400
- Keeps Items: Yes
- Keeps Stats: Yes
- Keeps Master Level: Yes
- Reset command: /reset
